Pipes and Drains


How to Prepare for a Blocked Toilet

If you've never experienced an overflowing toilet before, then it may simply be a matter of time until it happens. This rather unpleasant occurrence may inevitably crop up, especially if you live in a busy household. How can you best prepare for this eventuality? Fit for Purpose The sewer system installed in your home is designed to work well and last a long time if u

Battling Office Toilet Problems? Here Are Some Common Causes

Facing toilet issues at home is bad enough, but when you find them in the office, things can really grind to a halt. Fortunately, it's possible to resolve a lot of office toilet problems without too much fuss. By understanding some common causes of problems in your commercial plumbing, you may be able to prevent big issues. Faucet Leaks If you're starting to notice wa

Helpful Tips for Having a Hot Water System Replacement in Your Rental Property

If you own a rental property and have recently gotten a call from a tenant who claims that there is something wrong with the hot water system — such as if they don't have access to hot water in their unit at all — then you might be thinking about replacing the hot water system. These tips can help you. Know When a Replacement Is a Good Idea Before you purchase a whole

5 Reasons to Call In a Plumber Immediately

Issues with the plumbing may initially seem like little more than a nuisance. If ignored, these small issues can turn into damaging problems that can destroy your home and lead to high repair costs. The following are five plumbing issues that you should never ignore.  1. Poor Drainage Your sinks should drain promptly. If water sits in the basin or drains out exce

2 Precautionary Measures You Should Take Before Renting Out an Apartment Complex

If you own a large apartment complex with multiple units where tenants are going to live, you'll need to take certain precautionary measures to ensure they're living in a safe environment. When you have many people living in different apartments throughout a building, there are quite a few different hazardous situations that could arise. However, it's possible to prev